I am now looking through slides that I scanned. I came across a Korsh family celebration. For the first time we see Aunt Clara Poland (Zaida Sam's youngest sister.) She is the mother of Aimie Katz who is the mother of Jimmy (a wonderful cousin who died at too early an age), Cathy and Sam (who ran for mayor of Philadelphia.) Sam has a wonderful wife and four lovely children.
Atlantic City again- Szrulik, Ethel and Aunt Anna Greenberg (Joe).
This is the first picture I have come across of Szrulik and Edith Korsh, Jimmy's mom and day and Erik, Aaron and Joanna's grandparents. They were the best of friends to Grandpa Bill and Grandma Elaine as well as cousins. They shared the same progressive political core. Two really wonderful and special people.
Another picture or Aunt Clara. Esther Gerstein's back is to us.
Esther Gerstein, Ellen's mom.
Esther Gerstein
Szrulik and Ethel at the airport
Ethel, Josh, Szrulik, Rhea and Ellen.
Aunt Ethel
Faigie (with Rhea reflected in the mirror.)
Faigie on the beach. By the way, Faigie was a nickname for Florence. It means, little bird. We had a lot of Florence's and Esther's in this family.
Rhea is in this group shot. Would love to remember who the rest of the folks are.
Harry Gerstein standing.Esther, Rhea, Ellen, Ethel and Szrulik
Josh, Ethel, Szrulik, Rhea and Ellen
Marty Korsh (Ethel and Szrulik's son and Rhea's dad) Shirley and Josh
Photo of Portrait of Ethel and Szrulik
Rhea and Ellen
Rhea dancing with Aunt Ethel (her grandma)
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