Monday, October 29, 2012

A few more from the collection

 We were living in Clifton Heights.  Grandpa bought the house in his GI loan.  Aunt Esther and Uncle Morrie moved in two doors down with Arline and Judy.  I was three when we moved there.  Grandpa had a mimeo machine on which he would print fliers for the CP and take them back to Philly for distribution. On occasion, Jack and Nancy Bruin would come to visit with Janet and Marian and pick up the fliers and take them back with them.  In the picture is a near-by school and playground that we would go to.  On the swings are Fanny, Bubba and Aunt Harriet. 
In the lower picture are Bubba, Zaida, Uncle Morrie and Judy.
 Aunt Harriet and Uncle Sy when they were courting in 1954.
 Aunt Harriet and Uncle Sy in top picture and in bottom on the Board Walk in Atlantic City in 1955.  Uncle Sy was from Atlantic City.
 Aunt Harriet and Uncle Sy boarding plane to California in 1956.
 Uncle Morrie with Judy, Arline and Roslyn.
 Arline and Bubba.  No idea of what was cut out of this photo. The picture on the wall is of Ellen.
 This if Grandpa bill with Harry Gerstein. Harry was married to Esther Korsh, Ellen's mother (and is Ellen's father.)
Cousin Judy (Zeitz) Sitko and family Steve, Anna, Erik and Micah. Judy lives in California.

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