Saturday, October 27, 2012

Older editions of the same family good looking dad at the age of 18.  Theo, my grandson is a year older than this....but equally good looking.
Below... My mother Elaine with Esther Korsh (Gerstein)
 Esther Greenberg (Zeitz), Elaine and Pauline Hendler
 Esther Greenberg (Zeitz) Dad's sister
 Esther and a friend in Atlantic City

 From the top down- Faigie Korsh, Harriet Greenberg (Picker), Bubba Rose, Aunt Anna, Esther Korsh (Gerstein) and Aunt Ethel Korsh.  Here I must say that I had and Aunt Ethel and Uncle Srulik Korsh and a Cousin Ethel and Cousin Srulik Korsh (Jimmy's parents.)
 My Aunt Harriet and me in 1944
 Aunt Harriet and me a few years later.
 Aunt Harriet in Atlantic City
 Did I show this before?  Bubba and Zaida and my father.
 Aunt Harriet and my father on the ferris wheel.

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